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Why Iran Has Evaded Their Sanctions

In our current political environment, foreign relations are remarkably important. The truth is that we live in an increasingly connected global marketplace. In this environment, every country relies upon every other country. This means that when a country behaves aggressively, there can be significant consequences. Fortunately, there is a way to balance this situation. 

By instituting sanctions, the international community can apply just punishment to a bad actor. At the same time, though, these sanctions are not always effective. In some situations, a country will look to evade these sanctions. While this is logical in a sense, it can also be very dangerous. If you want to learn about Iran's evasion of sanctions, you will need to read the work of Mark Dubowitz.

The sanctions against Iran have been applied in a number of stages. The first sanctions were issued in the year 1979. This was the year that the Iranian military took over the government during the Iranian Revolution. The United States saw this regime is basically illegitimate. Instead of going to war, the United States decided to institute economic sanctions to punish Iran. Over time, these sanctions have actually expanded. Initially, the rules only applied to the government itself. Today, though, things have changed. In the nineties, the sanctions were expanded to include any entity that dealt with the Iranian government. If you have any questions about Iran's evasion of sanctions, you will want to talk to Mark Dubowitz.

In the twenty first century, the sanctions were expanded yet again. These new laws were instituted as a response to Iran's increased use of uranium enrichment. As you are no doubt aware, uranium enrichment can be very dangerous. In some cases, countries will enrich uranium so that they can develop nuclear weapons. At the same time, though, uranium also has more innocuous uses. In some cases, countries will use uranium will be used to produce electrical power. It can even be used for medical purposes. If you want to learn more about Iran's evasion of international sanctions, you will want to read the work of Mark Dubowitz at

The goal of international sanctions is actually very simple. In the modern era, economic development is more important than ever before. If a country is going to grow, it needs to have a strong economy. Economic sanctions work by effectively crippling a nation's economy. If you have any questions about Iran's evasion of international sanctions, you will need to talk to Mark Dubowitz of FDD.

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